Austrian Travel Bloggers You Need to Follow

Austria | © tpsdave / Pixabay
Culture Trip

Follow these adventurous Austrians and be inspired by their passion for delving into the exotic and unknown. Awe-inspiring photography and personal tales of excitement and wonder will stir your urges to explore and venture into new and exciting places. As well as detailing their exploits outside Europe, a few passionately patriotic bloggers, such as Viennalicious, also delight in offering insider’s knowledge on their homeland of Austria, giving unique local insights.

Travel Woman

Theresa Steinkellner has a loyal following of more than 1000 fans on her travel blog, a number that is steadily growing higher. Her followers come back time after time for her honest writing and stunning snapshots of her many mountain treks and country hikes. Theresa has so far explored countries in Asia, Europe and South America.


Although just 23 years old, ambitious travel blogger Martin Lutz has wasted no time whatsoever, having already extensively explored much of Europe and New Zealand. He cites his first trip to Thailand as being the catalyst for developing the travel bug and loves to share his intimate experiences and encourage others along the way to follow in his footsteps.

1000 Travel Stories

‘My name is Franziska and I have chronic wanderlust’ is the opening line of this blog’s ‘about me’ section. A joint collaboration between Austrians Franziska and Manuel, it is clear these two adore to explore and share their adventures. The list of their destinations is long and fast growing; Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Florida are a handful that this pair has visited.

My Travel Emotion

Conny, a 28-year-old, was inspired to travel after moving to London from Austria to work as an Au Pair when she was 20. She credits her parents with gifting her with a love of travel and has fond childhood memories of holidays in Greece. So far, Conny has wandered to many far corners of the world including; Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia and loves to document her many activities.


Vicky’s blog kicked off in 2011 when she decided to chronicle stories related to travel, fashion and beauty. Excursion tips are plentiful on her site, with recommendations of family restaurants and hotels in countries such as Spain, USA, Slovakia and Turkey.


Much of the travelling this blogger has undertaken has been around Germany and Austria and she has picked up reliable tips on the best hotels and restaurants, in cities such as Berlin and Hamburg. Alongside exploring, she also enjoys cooking and interior design and includes separate categories on her site dedicated to these hobbies. Her Instagram is also popular, with nearly 10,000 followers.

The Vienna Blog

Born and raised in Vienna, Greg is a vivacious traveller and a passionate patriot of his homeland. Sharing his photography and travel tales come appear to come naturally to him and his recommendations on his native city are trustworthy.


Cult social media star Madeleine Alizadeh’s travel guide category on her blog features guides such as ‘where to buy rugs in Marrakesh’ and advice on exploring sites in Poland. A talented and prolific photographer, she captures her journeys with creative flair and perfectionist precision. As well as writing about travel, she is also an ardent blogger of fashion, beauty and food.

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